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New Software and Platforms
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Section: New Software and Platforms


Sofware for audio-visual and multimodal data acquisition and processing

Functional Description

Within the ADT PLAVIS (cf. 9.2.12), we have developed a software for 3D audiovisual data acquisition and synthesis. The system incorporates an animation module of the talking head to reconstruct the animated face along with audio. The acquisition software handles one or several acquisition systems: motion-capture (Kinect-like), Vicon or EMA systems. The various acquisition channels are synchronized. The animation technique can exploit multimodal data to define blendshapes that controls the face; the advantage of using blendshapes is to be able to transfer the animation from one 3D human model to another. A semi-automatic acoustic boundary correction process is integrated in the corpus building process. The text-to-speech processing is driven by the Soja software.